Berlin to Prague flight

A complete guide

Last update: April 2023

Are you in a hurry, need to get to Berlin or Prague ASAP and are therefore considering a flight? Well, travelling by plane probably is probably not the right solution for you. Of course, there are some Berlin to Prague flights, however, currently there are no direct flights on this route, which not only significantly prolongs the Berlin to Prague flight time, but also means higher costs than other means of transport. You're much better off travelling by bus, train or car.

If you are still interested in getting more information about the Prague to Berlin flight, read on! We have summarised the most important information for you.

Looking for a comparison of all possible ways to get from Berlin to Prague and vice versa? Check here!

What is the distance between Berlin and Prague by plane?

Flights from Berlin to Prague cover the 280 km long journey. 

Are there any direct flights from Prague to Berlin or Berlin to Prague? 

No, currently there are no direct flights on this route. If you want to fly from Berlin to Prague or vice versa, it's necessary to change at least once.

What is the Berlin to Prague flight time? How long does it take?

As there is no direct flight, the Prague - Berlin flight time can vary depending on the route. The fastest flights last about 3-4 hours. However, it can take even 6 hours!

How to find cheap flights from Prague to Berlin? 

The easiest way to find some cheap flights Berlin - Prague is to use a flight search engine such as that allow you to compare prices across different airlines and find the cheapest option.

As with other modes of transport, booking your flight in advance can often result in cheaper prices, so try to book your flight a few weeks or even months in advance if possible. The other option is to be flexible, check the cheap flights Berlin - Prague or Prague - Berlin regularly and book your ticket accordingly.

How much are cheap flights from Berlin to Prague?

This is difficult to generalise because it depends on many factors such as: the airline, the route of the flight and the number of connections, the date of the flight, the date of booking the tickets, whether you have enough hand luggage, etc. Either way, do not expect a flight ticket price below €100.

Which airlines fly from Berlin to Prague?

Since you always have to change planes, you can choose from several airlines for your Prague - Berlin flight. The route is operated by Lufthansa, Eurowings, EasyJet, Ryanair, Austrian Airlines and others. Usually this depends on where you will change planes. 

From which airport do the planes depart or arrive and how to get there?

In Berlin, the most important hub is Berlin Brandenburg Airport. In Prague, you will depart from or arrive in Prague Vaclav Havel Airport. Both airports are easily accessible by public transport. In Prague, you can go by a special bus line Airport Express, order a taxi or use services of some companies offering private transfer as well.


Brief summary

Distance from Berlin to Prague: 280 km
Flight time Berlin to Prague: the fastest flights 3-4 hours, depending on the route
Direct flights from Berlin to Prague: NO
Booking a flight from Berlin to Prague / Prague to Berlin: HERE
Booking a transfer from / to the airport: Transfer from / to Prague Airport

Other transportation options

Berlin and Prague are very well connected by all means of transport. However, due to the lack of direct flights, the cost and time of the Berlin - Prague flight, air transport is not the most efficient in this case and it would be probably better to travel by train, bus or car. Interested in comparing all possible ways to get from Berlin to Prague and vice versa? Check here!

Final note: Do you have any questions about travelling by plane from Berlin to Prague or vise versa? Do you have your own tip, information that might be useful to other travellers? Or is there anything you would like to tell us? Don´t hesitate to let us know!
