Travel from Berlin to Prague

An ultimate guide

Last update: April 2023

Are you planning a trip from Berlin to Prague and wondering which mode of transportation is the best for you? With several options available, it can be overwhelming to decide what is the best way to get from Berlin to Prague (or vice versa).

Therefore we´ve prepared this guide with the comparison of all the means of transport available for travelling between Prague and Berlin to help you make an informed decision about your journey. From the distance, travel time and cost to the convenience and comfort of each option, we'll cover everything you need to know to plan your trip from Berlin to Prague.

So, whether you're looking for a budget-friendly option or a luxurious ride, read on to find out which mode of transportation suits your needs best.

Berlin to Prague: a complete guide

Do you already know that you will probably take a bus, for example, and are you looking for more information? Then jump right to the detailed information on how to get to/from Berlin by BUS. Alternatively, for your TRAIN or CAR journey. And we haven't forgotten about the FLIGHT, of course. These guides were compiled based on our own travel experience as well as frequently asked questions by tourists, so you can be sure that you´ll find anything you might need there: schedules, prices, ticket purchase, places of departure/arrival, whether it is possible to take your four-legged or two-wheels darling. And much more!

Check out all possible connections and book a ticket for your next trip via Omio.
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Berlin to Prague distance: How far is Prague from Berlin?

Prague and Berlin are two major cities in Central Europe, located relatively close to each other. The distance between Berlin and Prague is 280 km as the crow flies. If travelling by road, it´s approximately 350 km (217 miles), depending on the specific route. 

How to get from Berlin to Prague / Prague to Berlin 

Given the Prague to Berlin distance, it's obvious that there are more options to choose from when travelling from Berlin to Prague: a bus, train, car or even flight. These particular options differ in terms of speed, comfort, price, time you want to travel and some other aspects.

What is the best way to get from Berlin to Prague
Of course, there's no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to choosing the best way to travel from Berlin to Prague. It all depends on your budget, time constraints, or personal preferences. However, when we compare them from different points of view - such as travel time, price, frequency... it should be easier for you to decide. Just look at the table below.

  train 🚅 bus 🚌 car 🚘 flight ✈️
Travel time 🕐🕐
3-6+ h)
Direct connection?
(Place of departure/arrival)

▪️ Hauptbahnhof

▪️ Main train st.
▪️ Praha-Holešovice
▪️ Praha-Masaryk train st.

▪️ ZOB
▪️ Südkreuz

▪️ Airport

▪️ Main bus st.
▪️ Main train st.

from anywhere
to everywhere

▪️ Brandenburg Airport

▪️ Václav Havel Airport

Frequency 📶📶📶 📶📶📶 ♾️ 📶
Price for a single ticket 💲💲 💲 💲💲💲💲 💲💲💲💲

Table: Comparison of transport options from Berlin to Prague and vice versa


Interested in a more detailed comparison according to the criteria mentioned above? Then read on!

🕐 Travel time from Berlin to Prague

How long does it take and what is the fastest way to get from Berlin to Prague?

In this criteria, train and bus are almost comparable, the travel time from Prague to Berlin is 4-5 hours. When driving or using a taxi, it takes around 3,5 - 4 hours on the highway. However, keep in mind that there may be traffic congestion during peak travel times and to use a highway, you have to buy a vignette. Driving also requires more planning and preparation, such as renting a car and mapping out the route.

And what about flight? There are no direct flights between Berlin and Prague, so it's necessary to take connecting flights with a stopover in another European city. Therefore the Berlin to Prague travel time may vary from 3 to 6 or even more hours, depending on the length of the stopover and the airline. And do not forget to add time for airport security, check-in or waiting for luggage.

🛣️ Is there a direct connection between Berlin and Prague?

Yes! With the exception of flight, no matter which means of transport you choose, all connections are direct. As for getting from Prague to Berlin (and vice versa) at night, the best way to travel should be by bus, alternatively by car, as night train connections are usually not direct. 

📍 Flexibility

How about departure and arrival points?

There is no doubt that a car or taxi offers the highest flexibility in terms of time or place of departure, as well as the destination. Both buses and trains depart from the main bus or train stations in Prague and Berlin, so they are comparable in that aspect. The difference is in the number of intermediate stops - while trains stop in almost every major city along the route, buses go direct, with a maximum stop at the border or in Dresden, for example.

📶 Frequency

How often is there any connection to get from Prague to Berlin and vice versa?

If the number of connections during the day, and therefore a wider choice of when you want to go, is an important criterion for you, then the best way to get from Prague to Berlin is the bus (with departures almost every hour) followed by the train (almost every two hours).

💲 Price

What is the cheapest way from Berlin to Prague? 

If you're on a budget, or just don't want to spend too much money on a ticket, the cheapest and therefore the best way to get from Berlin to Prague for you is a BUS 🚌. The average price for a one-way bus ticket from Berlin to Prague is around €20 - €30 when purchased online and in advance.

Taking a TRAIN 🚅 from Berlin to Prague can be more expensive than taking a bus, but it can still be affordable if you book in advance. Prices for train tickets can range from around €30 to €45. Be aware that these are average prices and the final ones can depend on many factors, so always check an actual price for a particular connection! 

If you prefer travel low cost and search for the cheapest way to travel from Berlin to Prague, just use the online ticket comparison platform, which help you to find and compare all the possible options and book the tickets immediately. 

DRIVING 🚘 from Berlin to Prague can be affordable if you share the cost with others or rent a car. However, keep in mind that you'll need to factor in the cost of gas, a highway vignette, and parking, which can add up quickly. Additionally, you'll need to consider the cost of renting a car if you don't have your own vehicle. The same goes for ordering a private transfer from Berlin to Prague. It's usually the most expensive option, but if you're traveling in a group, you can split the cost and make it more affordable.
If you consider renting a car, we recommend using to find the best car according to your preferences. For ordering a private transfer, Kiwitaxi is the most well-known and proven international taxi service.

As far as Berlin - Prague FLIGHT ✈️ and airfare is concerned, it depends on the airline you fly with and also the number of layovers - as a direct flight is not possible. In addition, the price of your baggage also plays a large part in the price of the ticket. So higher costs must be taken into account (2 to 3 times higher than for bus or train). However, if you prefer comfort and are travelling alone, a flight will be cheaper than, for example, hiring a car or using a taxi. Try to find the flight that fits your needs HERE.

Tip: Compare all the options for travelling by train or bus. Omio or Kiwi travel portal offers an overview of all connections, including prices, in one place, making it easy to plan your trip and find the best tickets for you.

Last but not least: Comfort and convenience

Clearly, comfort and convenience also play a part in what is the best way to travel from Berlin to Prague. However, we believe it is highly subjective and therefore this factor is not included in the table above. For some people it can be a convenience to be able to stop anywhere while driving a car, for others it can be just sitting in a bus, watching the scenery and not worrying about anything. So we'll let you be the judge of that :) Plus, whether you take the bus or the train, most companies offer a range of services during the journey such as refreshments, wifi, seats with more space, etc., so whatever you choose, you won't suffer.

In conclusion:
So what's the best way to get from Berlin to Prague?

To be honest - it's up to you. Ultimately, the best way to get from Berlin to Prague depends on your individual preferences and circumstances. In this guide, we've tried to provide all the information you need to help you decide - but the final decision is still yours. 


Need more information?

Just check out the detailed information we've prepared for you on each means of transport. Of course, all the information is valid also for opposite ways from Prague to Berlin. 

👉 Berlin to Prague by bus
👉 Berlin to Prague by train
👉 Berlin to Prague by car
👉 Berlin to Prague flight
