Travel from London to Prague

An ultimate guide

Last update: April 2023

Want to travel from London to Prague and looking for some information? Ensure a hassle-free journey with our ultimate guide! In this article, you'll find a comprehensive comparison of the different ways to get from London to Prague, based on a variety of criteria - from the distance, travel time or frequency of connections to tips on cheap tickets from London to Prague and more. We'll also give you advice on where to book your tickets.

London to Prague: BEST GUIDE for your journey

Do you already know that you will probably take a bus, for example, and are you looking for more information? Then jump right to the detailed information on how to get to/from London by BUS. Alternatively, by TRAIN or about FLIGHT. These guides were compiled based on our own travel experience as well as frequently asked questions by tourists, so you can be sure that you´ll find anything you might need there.

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London to Prague distance: How far is Prague from London?

The distance between Prague and London is approximately 1000 kilometres (or 620 miles) as the crow flies. By land it is a little further, approximately 1300 kilometres. Although it seems far, there is a good transport connection between the two cities, so the Prague to London distance can be covered very easily.

How to get from London to Prague / Prague to London

Given the distance between London and Prague, it is probably not surprising that one of the most common ways to travel is by air. However, if you're not a fan of flying, no problem. Prague can also be reached comfortably by train or bus, although these options take significantly longer. In addition to the journey time, the different ways of travelling differ in price and some other aspects as well.

Best way to get to Prague from London and/or from Prague to London

When it comes to choosing the best way to travel from London to Prague, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It depends on a number of factors such as budget, time constraints and mainly personal preferences. However, there are some objective criteria against which different modes of transport can be compared, making it easier to decide how to travel from London to Prague. Just look at the table below.

  train 🚅 bus 🚌 flight ✈️
Travel time 🕐🕐
(18 - 25h)
Direct connection?
(Place of departure/arrival)

▪️ St. Pancras Int.

▪️ Main train st.
▪️ Praha-Holešovice
▪️ Praha-Masaryk train st.

...+ transfer train stations
depending on the route
(Brussels, Paris, etc.)

▪️ Victoria Coach St.

▪️ Main bus st. Florenc
▪️ Na Knížecí bus st. (Prague 5)
▪️ Prague - Zličín
▪️ Prague - Roztyly

London Airports
▪️ Heathrow
▪️ Gatwick
▪️ Stansted
▪️ Luton

▪️ Václav Havel Airport

Frequency 📶📶📶 📶📶 📶📶📶📶
Price for a single ticket 💲💲💲💲 💲 💲-💲💲💲

Table: Comparison of transport options from London to Prague and vice versa


🕐 London to Prague travel time

How long does it take and what is the fastest way to get from London to Prague?

If you would like to have an English breakfast in London in the morning and enjoy Czech goulash with Pilsner beer for lunch in Prague, then choose to fly from London to Prague. The direct flight takes approximately 2 hours, so it's undoubtedly the fastest way. However, in addition to the flight time itself, you also have to factor in time to get to the airport, check-in, or any transfers if you are not flying nonstop.

If the journey itself is an experience for you and you don't mind spending more time on the way (meaning more than half a day or even one day), then try bus or train.

🛣️ Is there a direct connection between London and Prague?

In terms of flight or bus, yes, there is a direct connection from London to Prague. For a train, the situation is worse and expect at least 2 changes, usually more. On the other hand - why not use this as an opportunity to visit the city on the way? 

📍 Flexibility: departure and arrival points

While in other respects flying is basically the best way to get from London to Prague, here it has a slight disadvantage as airports tend to be further away from the centre and you need to take this into account when planning your trip. By contrast, bus and train stations are within easy reach, and there are always more arrival or departure points in Prague.

📶 Frequency

How often is there any connection to get from Prague to London and vice versa?

If the number of connections during the day, and therefore more choice about when to travel, is important to you, choose a flight for your journey. Flights to Prague from London and vice versa typically depart several times a day, with multiple airlines offering this route. By train, you can travel basically anytime, as there´s no direct train between London and Prague and there are many routes you can choose from. In fact, it's just a matter of catching a connecting train. On the route London to Prague buses operate on a daily basis as well, however, the number of connections is limited. It's worth noting that the frequency of connections may vary depending on the day and time of year, so it's always a good idea to check the schedules in advance to plan your trip accordingly.


What is the cheapest way to get from London to Prague? 

Regardless of whether you fly or travel by train or bus, tickets to Prague from London are heavily affected by when you buy your ticket, the day of the week you want to travel and who you travel or fly with. In addition, pricing is very dynamic and prices can change throughout the day. Therefore, to find cheap tickets to Prague from London, the best way is to use an online search engine and comparison tool such as Omio, which enables you to find and compare all the possible options and book the tickets immediately.

Usually the cheapest way to get from London to Prague is by BUS 🚌. However, the FLIGHT ✈️ is not much more expensive and you should consider whether the small saving is worth the long hours spent on the bus. Plus, if you're flying with a low cost airline or if luck favours you, you can buy a flight ticket even significantly cheaper than a bus ticket. But don't forget the baggage charges, which can be significantly higher than the price of the flight ticket itself! 

As for the TRAIN🚅, it's usually the most expensive option. 


Recommendation: With the exception of last minute promotions, generally the earlier the ticket is purchased, the better the price. It is therefore always advisable to book your London - Prague tickets in advance.

Need more information
on how to get from London to Prague?

Check out the detailed information we've prepared on each possible means of transport. Of course, all the information is valid also for opposite ways from Prague to London. 

👉 London to Prague by bus
👉 London to Prague by train 
👉 London to Prague flight
