London to Prague by train

A complete guide

Last update: April 2023

When one says London to Prague, most people probably think that the best way to get there is by plane. Well, in terms of speed, it certainly is. But if you want to turn the journey itself into an experience, bet on the train! 

To help your trip run smoothly, we've compiled all the essentials you need to know when getting from Prague to London / London to Prague by train. After reading this, all you need to do is pack your bag, add some snacks and a good mood and get ready for a long but pleasant journey.

Looking for a comparison of all possible ways to get from London to Prague and vice versa? Check here!

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  Distance from London and Prague by train

The distance between London and Prague is about 1000 km (620 miles) - meaning as the crow flies. When travelling by train, the distance between Prague and London is almost 1300 km (800 mil). 

It may seem far, however it's a manageable distance and there is good infrastructure between the two cities, making travel between them relatively easy.

  London to Prague train time: How long does it take?

The total train time depends on a particular route and number of changes. It usually takes between 14 and 18 hours, however, there are trains from London to Prague with a duration of about 22 hours or even more

In addition, since you have to change trains several times along the route, it is advisable to check carefully in advance how much time you have to change trains at each station so that you do not miss the connecting train. 

Given this duration when travelling from London to Prague by train and the need to change trains, many travellers take this opportunity to visit towns along the way. 

Is there a direct train between London and Prague? 

As already the part about travel time indicates, unfortunately on the route London to Prague direct trains are not available. No matter whether it is a Prague to London train or in the opposite direction London to Prague, you´ll need to make at least 2-3 changes on your way.

  How to travel by train from London to Prague?
The best ways

Not being able to take a direct train from London to Prague may make it a little more complicated to plan your journey, but on the other hand, it offers a number of possible routes to choose from! 

Basically, first of all you can choose whether to travel from:

London to Prague via Brussels

Then from Brussels there are usually trains via Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Cheb, or e.g. Regensburg. In general, there are several trains per day in the direction to Prague.

London to Prague via Paris

Similarly, there are multiple options on how to travel from London to Prague by train via Paris, either via Germany or Switzerland. What's good to know - there are direct sleeper trains from Karlsruhe and Zurich to Prague, which can make the journey more pleasant and feel shorter. 

Whichever way you choose, the first part of your journey from London to Prague will always be on Eurostar trains. The next part of your journey depends on your preferences, time and travel plans. Do you want to make some additional stops in another city during the journey? Is a ticket price important for you? Or do you prefer to travel at night?

In general, it can be said:

  • London to Prague by day trains via Brussels is usually the cheapest option
  • London to Prague via Paris and then from Karlsruhe or Zurich with a night train seems to be the most time-effective option.

When travelling from Prague to London by train, the same applies, of course, but in the opposite direction. 

Find the train that fits your needs and preferences easily

There's nothing easier than using an online planner to accurately plan your trip. Not only can you find out all the possible ways to travel from Prague to London by train and vice versa, but you can also find out the current prices

IMPORTANT❗ As there are no direct trains between London and Prague, you must first enter London - Paris / Brussels and then Paris / Brussels - Prague in the search engine! See more information below.

  How much does a train from London to Prague cost?

London to Prague train prices vary according to the chosen journey, train type, some additional services and most of all - date of purchasing. Just remember, the sooner you book your train tickets from London to Prague, the more you'll save. 

To find cheap train tickets from London to Prague and the best train deals, use the Omio Journey Planner. Due to the very specific character of this journey, it is not possible to purchase one ticket for the whole trip. Therefore the BOOKING PROCESS consists of two steps

1. search for a connection from London to Brussels or Paris
choose a connection and add the ticket to basket or purchase directly

2. then search for a connection from Brussels OR Paris to Prague
and add the ticket to the basket and purchase together with the first ticket or separately

Make sure there is enough time between the arrival of the train and the departure of the next one! 

  Eurostar London to Prague

When travelling from London to Prague or Prague to London by train, you will always travel with the high-speed train Eurostar. This train connects London with Brussels or Paris, with speed up to 300 km/h it takes about 2 hours from London to reach both cities.

Unlike other trains, Eurostar trains have very dynamic ticket pricing like airlines. Therefore there can be really huge differences in ticket prices and it's highly recommended to book your Eurostar train from London to Prague as early as possible. Don't be surprised if you find tickets that vary in price by 100 percent or more. 

On the other hand, modern trains, comfortable seats with extra services and regular departures make travelling by Eurostar from London to Prague a much more pleasant experience.

Apart from Eurostar, other companies providing train connections between London and Prague are mostly German Railways (DB) and Czech Railways (ČD).

  Prague to London: train stations

In London, all trains depart from and arrive at the station London St. Pancras International. It´s a main station for most trains from or to Europe. 

If you go via Brussels, you will change trains at Brussels-Midi station. If you are travelling via Paris, an important change point for you is Paris Gare du Nord.

In Prague, trains arrive mainly at the main station Praha - Hlavní nádraží, but for some trains the final destination is Praha - Holešovice or Praha - Masaryk train station.

All train stations are easily accessible by public transport.

Tip: Do you want to learn more about how public transport in Prague works? The most important information is available in THIS article or THIS ONE dedicated to Prague metro.

  Additional information

Do you want to travel with your dog or bike? As the terms and conditions differ from train to train, we recommend checking the up-to-date information directly on providers´ website or when searching for a particular train - it's usually mentioned there.

Cyclists usually have no problem with transporting their bikes, with some exceptions, it is just necessary to reserve a place for the bike in advance

However, pet owners must leave their animal friends at home or choose another mode of transport as they are not allowed on long-distance trains. Specifically, for example, Eurostar's policy forbids pets on their trains with the exception of guide and assistance dogs. However, prior approval, seat reservations and specific travel documents are also required.


Brief summary

London to Prague by train

Distance London to Prague by train: 1300 km
London to Prague train time: 14 - 18 hours by most trains, depending on the route
Direct trains from London to Prague: NO, at least 2-3 changes neccessary
Are there any night trains? YES
How to travel by train from London to Prague? Search for the best connections using the Journey Planner.
Finding cheap tickets for Prague - London train: HERE

IMPORTANT❗ Searching for a connection and purchasing a ticket is a two-step process! It's necessary to split the journey into two parts: from London to Brussels or Paris and then from these cities to Prague. Otherwise, the train connection will not be found!

Other transportation options

The train is not the only way to get from Prague to London. You can also get there by bus, and of course by air, which is the fastest and therefore probably the most common way. Interested in comparing all possible ways to get from London to Prague and vice versa? Check here!

Final note: Do you have any questions about travelling by train from London to Prague or vise versa? Do you have your own tip, information that might be useful to other travellers? Or is there anything you would like to tell us? Don´t hesitate to let us know!
